Monday, February 28, 2011

Jane, Jane

Jane Eyre, a remarkable classic for centuries, caught my heart in so many ways: I shall be sad to part with it.

I had already seen the movie and so was not surprised at the shocking twist of--gasp!--Rochester's first wife. Still it was an enjoyable read and a thrilling experience.

1. If I were Jane, I would probably move on for better prospects. While he says he loves her, clearly neither bigamy nor divorce was not an option in those days. In my mind, he betrayed her, injured her, and lied to her. Their relationship would be in limbo and probably frowned upon if she stayed. As big a romantic as I am, her staying would only have ended in awkward confusion.

2. Jane's personality was extremely relatable for me: she has a big imagination and a desire to create things, and she constantly feels torn between logic and emotion. I still feel torn about her decision, and I wish somehow they could help the wife. The feelings, for me, worked very well and weighed a good deal on my heart; however, the decision and somber departure didn't work for me as well.

3. I think this story should be taught: it's clever, interesting, and educated-sounding. She uses a lot of big words that I didn't know and switches to strange viewpoints in a few places, but otherwise I thought it was very educational and epitomic of coming of age.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and think it should continue to be taught in College Literature.

1 comment:

  1. "In my mind, he betrayed her, injured her, and lied to her. Their relationship would be in limbo and probably frowned upon if she stayed. As big a romantic as I am, her staying would only have ended in awkward confusion."

    I really like these three sentences! I felt the same way about everything. I know that if I was in her shoes, everything would be very awkward if I stayed. Good thoughts on the book! I am sad to part with it as well!
